Eligibility for Medicare Plans
You should be 65 years of age and older OR under 65 years and receiving disability benefits from Social Security Administration (SSA) or Railroad Retirement Board (RRB). For people with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) – Must receive these benefits for 24 months before eligibility for Medicare OR Under 65 years and diagnosed with End Stage Renal Disease.
Enrollment into Medicare
Enrollment into Medicare ie either Automatic or By Application.
AUTOMATIC ENROLLMENT: If already receiving: Social Security Benefits , Social Security Disability or Railroad Retirement Benefits. Beneficiary will receive Medicare card 3 months BEFORE benefits are to begin.
ENROLLMENT BY APPLICATION: If not already receiving benefits – beneficiary applies through Social Security Administration either 3 months before turning 65 or in the month beneficiary turns 65 or 3 months after turning 65. This is called the Initial Enrollment Period.
You may delay enrolling into Medicare if you or your spouse is actively employed AND is covered under group health insurance policy based on active employment. This is called Delayed Enrollment. You may later enroll in medicare when: Employer Group Health Insurance ends. You have 8 Months to enroll. This Eight Month period is called the Special Enrollment Period.
If you do not enroll during the Initial or Delayed Enrollment periods that is if you miss your Initial Enrollment Period or your Special Enrollment Period, you get another chance to enroll between January 1st to March 31st of each year. Your coverage begins July 1st. This is called General Enrollment and in this case you may have to pay a higher premium for late enrollment in Part A and/or a higher premium for late enrollment in Part B.
Original Medicare
Medicare Part A helps pay for Hospital or inpatient stay. Medicare Part B helps pay for Doctor Visits & outpatient services.
Medicare Plans are Available through Private Insurers. In New Mexico we can help you find the best plan for your needs through Aetna, BCBS of NM, Cigna, Humana, UnitedHealthcare (AARP) and Presbyterian Insurance.
Source: UnitedHealthcare
Please click below for Medicare Supplement Plan Quotes

For Medicare Advantage Plan Quotes & Medicare Prescription Plan Quotes Please call our agents at NM Insure Phone: 575.257.6146