Why Your Business May Need Cyber Insurance

If you run a business that uses computers, chances are that there’s a lot of data on them. That data could be at risk, and it’s up to you as a business owner to protect your business in case the worst should happen. Cyber insurance is an intelligent way to protect your business against many risks. If your company doesn’t have this insurance yet, it’s time to get a policy. Call us at Family Insurance Associates in Ruidoso, NM to learn more.

Risks to Your Data

There are hidden risks out there everywhere today for data. Every day, there seems to be a new data breach that puts employee and/or customer data at risk. You likely have your employee data in your computer network, and you may have customer data as well. This data is valuable to many who would try to steal it. There are many ways that people can steal it, and many of them are very difficult to protect against. What you can do, however, is to protect your business from the aftermath of one of these breaches, and that’s exactly what cyber insurance does.

Data Breaches

Data breaches can come with a lot of problems, all of which are expensive. You may have to overhaul your system completely, and you may have to offer compensation to those who had their data stolen. Cyber insurance can help pay for some of these costs so that your business is protected from liability for them. It’s important for any business with data that could be stolen to have this type of insurance coverage.

Get Cyber Insurance in New Mexico

You need cyber insurance to protect your business against the enormous costs of a cyber catastrophe. Call Family Insurance Associates in Ruidoso, NM.

Ways to Protect Your Car When You Travel

Whether you’re embarking on a long or short journey, your vehicle is at risk of theft or break-ins. Here are a few measures to safeguard your car from theft and damage.

1. Do Not Leave Any Valuables in Your Car

Leaving personal belongings in your car may seem convenient, especially during a trip, but it’s not safe. Clear your car of all valuables such as electronics or jewelry and take them with you whenever you leave the vehicle. This helps avoid attracting unwanted attention to your car. Remember not to keep your money in the car, too. Always have it on your person.

2. Always Lock Your Doors

Even if you’re stepping out for a few minutes, you must lock your car permanently. An unlocked vehicle can easily entice a thief to take something valuable swiftly without causing any noticeable damage or to drive away with the car. This could lead to unexpected losses that could have been easily avoided.

3. Be Mindful of Where You Park

Selecting the right spot to park your car can add an extra layer of security. Aim for well-lit areas, preferably within the camera coverage range, and place your vehicle near other cars whenever possible. Parking in isolated areas can make your car an easier target for thieves.

For more information on safeguarding your vehicle during your travels or for a personalized auto insurance quote, contact us at Family Insurance Associates, serving the Ruidoso, NM, area.

What Type of Medicare Coverage for Preventative Services is Available for Ruidoso Residents and Seniors?

As a senior or resident of Ruidoso, NM, understanding the types of Medicare coverage available for preventative services can help minimize financial strain and unexpected medical costs. If you’re living in Ruidoso, NM, Family Insurance Associates can walk you through the process of breaking down coverage options for preventative services with Medicare.

Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance)

With Medicare Part A in Ruidoso, NM, you can expect the following preventative services to be covered:

  • Screenings: Basic screenings such as mammograms may be covered annually or with baseline coverage, depending on age.
  • Bone Density: Bone density tests are also covered for individuals with an increased risk of osteoporosis.
  • Colon Screenings: Colorectal screenings can help prevent the onset of severe or life-threatening colon cancer and other gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Diabetes Monitoring and Screenings: People at high risk for diabetes may also receive ongoing diabetes screening and glucose monitoring services. 

Medicare Part B

Medicare Part B, or Medical Insurance, offers coverage for the following preventative services:

  • Wellness checkup: Blood work and checkups are included
  • Screenings: Screening for smoking, obesity, depression, HIV, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), infections, and even cardiovascular diseases.
  • Immunizations: Flu shots, hepatitis B shots, and pneumococcal shots are also covered.

Medicare Part C

Medicare Advantage Plans also provide the following:

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Comprehensive solutions may go beyond what is offered with standard Medicare Part A & B plans.
  • Additional Coverage: Additional coverage options may be available for dental and vision health needs.

For those living in the Ruidoso, NM region, Family Insurance Associates is here to help you find a Medicare plan that is right for you. To learn more about Medicare coverage for preventative services in and around Ruidoso, NM, contact Family Insurance Associates to schedule your consultation today.

Common Riders that Extend the Usefulness of Home Insurance

Homeowners in Ruidoso, NM appreciate the home insurance options offered by Family Insurance Associates. When we develop a home insurance policy for you, we collaborate with you to understand your specific needs. This collaboration allows us to offer riders that enhance the utility of your homeowners’ policy, ensuring it covers all of your personal property and your home.

What a Rider Does

Policyholders can add a rider to a policy that covers a specific item or event with extra coverage. This is also known as scheduling an item. Home policies often recommend common riders that many homeowners find useful. A rider expands coverage to the main policy, slightly increasing the premium cost as well.

Scheduling Your Jewelry

Probably the most frequently used rider, homeowners tend to schedule a piece of jewelry when they purchase an engagement ring. According to Brides magazine, the typical engagement ring costs the equivalent of three months of salary, or between $6,500 and $7,000.

According to Forbes, a home policy includes personal property coverage of about 50% of your home’s value. It also caps the coverage of non-scheduled items in certain categories, including jewelry. Most policies cap jewelry replacement at $1,500; the same cap applies to watercraft and trailers not used with watercraft. Scheduling high-cost items costs relatively little but could potentially save you thousands of dollars in the future.

Home Business Rider

If you operate a home business, you don’t need to purchase a separate policy to cover it. Add a rider reporting the business to your home policy to cover liability and business equipment.

Earthquake Rider

California is not the only state that experiences earthquakes. New Mexico encounters about 11 earthquakes per year, with the largest usually being about a five on the Richter scale. Its most severe earthquake occurred in Socorro in 1906—a six on the Richter scale. Add an earthquake rider to your home insurance policy to shield your home from this serious risk that is not included in most policies.

Contact Us Today

Don’t leave your Ruidoso, NM, home unprotected or under-protected. Contact Family Insurance Associates to update your home policy with riders who fully protect your personal belongings and home.

What Every Senior Should Know About Medicare C Dental and Vision Insurance

Medicare A and B don’t offer the comprehensive dental and vision insurance you need to maintain good health and a high quality of life. That’s why Ruidoso, NM, seniors should seriously consider purchasing Medicare C. There are multiple plans to consider, which makes it easy for anyone to find one that meets their needs at a good price.

What’s Covered Under Medicare C

Coverage varies depending on the plan you pick. However, common dental services offered by Medicare C plans include oral exams, X-rays, regular cleanings, fillings, and extractions. Vision-related expenses covered by a Medicare C plan include annual routine vision exams and a set amount of compensation for purchasing eyeglasses. If you have a chronic eye condition, you can get coverage from Medicare B for cataract removal surgery and post-cataract surgery eyeglasses or contact lenses.  

How to Choose a Medicare C Plan

It’s important to make sure your chosen Medicare C plan offers the coverage you need to maintain good health. Check policy benefits and how often you can avail yourself of certain benefits. Some policies may limit the number of exams or procedures you can have in a set period. You’ll also want to ensure the doctors you see or intend to see can accept the plan you’re considering purchasing. Furthermore, read the policy fine print to see if you’ll need a referral in order to see a specialist.

Call Family Insurance Associates for Insurance Coverage

If you think Medicare C may be right for you, call Family Insurance Associates to learn more about your policy options. We take pride in helping Ruidoso, NM seniors assess the pros and cons of each policy to find the one that best meets their needs.

Stay strong, Ruidoso!

How Term Life Insurance Works

Some people choose a term life insurance policy over a whole life policy. While whole life policies come with their own advantages, many people turn to term life because it fits into their lives better. Term life insurance generally works like a whole life – it gives the policyholder’s beneficiaries a death benefit when they pass. The details, however, are very different between these two types of policies. If you’re in the market for life insurance, give us a call at Family Insurance Associates in Ruidoso, NM.

The Term of Time

Term life insurance is named the way it is because it’s good for a specific term. The term of time is set when the policy starts. Generally, the policy is good for several years, such as 10, 20, or 25 years. Once this term passes, the policy will expire and no longer be in effect. When this occurs, the policyholder will have to get a new life insurance policy in order to get covered again. This can be a disadvantage to those who outlive the policy’s term. However, term life does come with a very important benefit. 

The Price of Term Life

A term life insurance policy doesn’t build up a cash value like whole life policies do. That means there’s no money there to borrow against if you should need it. However, term life remains popular because it comes with a much smaller price tag than whole life. This benefit makes it affordable for far more people than whole life policies. Many people who couldn’t afford whole life are able to get coverage with a term life policy. 

The Protection of Life Insurance

When your loved ones need to be financially protected, call us at Family Insurance Associates in Ruidoso, NM, to learn more about term life policies. 

Explaining How Commercial Insurance Protects Intellectual Property in the Digital Age

In today’s digital era, particularly in the Ruidoso, NM area, Intellectual Property (IP) has emerged as a significant asset for businesses across various sectors. Whether it’s about patents, trademarks, trade secrets, or copyrights, safeguarding Intellectual Property is a key contributor to maintaining business competitiveness and fostering innovation. Commercial insurance can play a significant role in protecting your IP rights and mitigating the financial risks associated with IP infringement, theft, or litigation.

Mitigating Intellectual Property Infringement Risks

IP is a cornerstone in the business world and hence demands rigorous protection. Commercial insurance, particularly intellectual property liability insurance, serves as the first line of defense against risks that threaten IP assets. Such an insurance policy covers the legal expenses and damages that may come your way due to allegations of IP infringement, thereby helping your business fight off lawsuits and recover from financial losses.

Neutralizing Cyber Threats

The increasingly digital nature of businesses puts sensitive IP assets at risk of cyberattacks and data breaches. That’s where cyber liability insurance comes in. This coverage offers valuable assistance in recovering from cyber incidents, providing financial support for data restoration, forensic investigations, and the legal expenses related to IP theft or misuse.

Ensuring Business Continuity

Business interruption insurance plays a critical role in maintaining financial stability during IP-related disruptions. By covering the loss of income and expenses incurred during downtime caused by covered events, this insurance enables businesses to navigate the after-effects of IP incidents and ensure continued operations.

Adopting Proactive Risk Management

Commercial insurance providers also offer custom risk management services that help businesses proactively identify and mitigate IP risks. These may involve conducting IP audits and implementing stringent security measures, all aimed at protecting your business from potential threats and vulnerabilities.

Find the Best Protection for Your Business with Family Insurance Associates

Let Family Insurance Associates help you gain a comprehensive understanding of commercial insurance and how it serves to protect your IP rights. Serving the Ruidoso, NM region, we’re here to answer your insurance-related questions and help you secure the protection your business needs in today’s digital world. Get in touch with us today.

What consequences could I face if I don’t have auto coverage in New Mexico?

Residing around Ruidoso, NM, provides numerous perks, and a strong transportation system is one of them. Whether you’re looking to move here or an existing resident, dependable transportation is vital. However, securing trustworthy and reliable auto insurance is equally critical. Without proper insurance coverage, you stand to face several consequences.

Penalization Consequences

In New Mexico, auto insurance coverage is mandatory, not optional. Operating a vehicle without insurance can lead to severe penalties, including state fines and the loss of your driving privileges. Furthermore, you could breach your auto loan agreement as it typically requires comprehensive insurance coverage.

Vulnerability of Losing Your Vehicle

A properly insured car serves as a transportation mode and is also a valuable asset. Being uninsured means risking losing your vehicle and having no financial support if it is damaged in an accident or stolen.

Thus, having the right auto insurance helps you navigate these consequences. If you’re seeking comprehensive auto insurance in the Ruidoso, NM, area, consider reaching out to our expert team at Family Insurance Associates. We specialize in crafting suitable policies that provide ample coverage for you and your car.

What should I think about when shopping for a medicare insurance plan?

Medicare Insurance Considerations: A Guide for Seniors in Ruidoso, NM

For seniors in Ruidoso, NM, and across the United States, enrolling in Medicare insurance when they reach the age of 65 is a common practice. Both new applicants and existing policyholders have numerous factors to consider when devising their plans. Here are some considerations that are vital when shopping for a Medicare insurance plan:

Network Limitations

If you choose a Medicare Advantage plan, you may encounter restrictions associated with physician, hospital, and specialist networks. It’s crucial to thoroughly review your new insurance plan’s network to ensure that it includes a doctor with whom you’re comfortable. If not, you might have to pay more for the same care or switch your primary care provider altogether.

Coverage Options

Another significant factor is your coverage options. While Medicare is useful in many cases, you might want to consider other types of insurance as well. This can include prescription coverage, supplemental and gap coverage, and even insurance that provides support if you need medical care while overseas. The kind of coverage you should obtain will vary according to your situation and personal needs, along with your budget for coverage.

It’s always a wise choice to opt for Medicare insurance when you are in the Ruidoso, NM area. When shopping for insurance, our team at Family Insurance Associates is available to help you create your plan. Our professionals will ensure you fully understand your options and guide you in building a plan that best suits your situation.

Must-Have Home Insurance Coverages for Ruidoso, NM Homeowners

Ruidoso, NM residents, surrounded by the beauty of the Lincoln National Forest, understand the importance of protecting their homes from unexpected mishaps and incidents that can lead to devastating economic losses. 

New Mexico residents have unique home insurance needs. 

Insurance professionals at Family Insurance Associates are your trusted local home insurance providers who can help you identify your needs and choose custom solutions like earthquake protection, wildfire protection, and liability coverage that can protect your home and family. 

Must-Have Insurance Coverage for New Mexico Homeowners

Earthquake Insurance 

Nearby states experiencing the damaging physical and economic effects of ground-shaking earthquakes understand the importance of having a comprehensive policy with earthquake insurance coverage. Earthquake insurance can provide an extra layer of protection against unexpected quakes. 

Flood Insurance 

The city of Ruidoso is in close proximity to a few large bodies of water, including the Rio Ruidoso, that can overflow and cause local flooding and damage to homes. 

Wildfire Coverage

Wildfires can happen in the dry seasons that occur in the areas. Ruidoso residents can protect their homes from wildfires’ unpredictable and damaging nature with comprehensive home insurance policies covering these natural disasters. 

Windstorm Protection 

There is no need for local area residents to be blown away by the damaging effects that windstorms can cause to roofing, shingles, and personal property when they have comprehensive home insurance with windstorm protection. 

Comprehensive Home Insurance Quote

Don’t wait until the unexpected happens and you find yourself at an extreme financial disadvantage and having to pay out-of-pocket repair costs for damages related to theft, natural disasters, flooding, and other home-related mishaps. 

Contact the friendly professionals at Family Insurance Associates to learn about your options for coverage and get a free insurance quote today!